Injured In A Rideshare? Fight Back

When you call an Uber or Lyft you are putting your full trust into the driver. Being injured in a car accident, because of their negligence, is unacceptable. Fight back today with Rideshare Lawsuit Attorneys and you may be able to receive compensation.

Practice Areas

Rideshare Accidents

Rideshare Accidents

Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault

Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death

Injured While Using An Uber Or Lyft? You May Be Able To Receive Compensation

Rideshare services like Uber and Lyft have proven to be one of the most common ways to get around. Not only are they considered reliable because of timeliness, but also for safety. Which is why it can be really scary when you have been injured through a rideshare service. By using that service you put your safety into the hands of someone else and had it betrayed.

Here at Rideshare Lawsuit Attorneys we are committed to helping you fight back when your trust has been betrayed like that. When representing you, we won’t back down and will fight to try and help you receive the help you need to recover from something like a car accident due to someone else’s negligence.

Experienced With Handling Assault Cases

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Rideshare Users Are Vulnerable. We Want To Help Them

Rated By Super Lawyers | S. Wade Yeoman
Kentucky Bar Association | 1871
Kentucky Justice Association
American Association For Justice